pets for life

Pets for life is:
‘Pets for Life’ is a free program for people who live in the Sunshine Coast region who would like support with caring for their companion animal.

The Pets for Life program developed out of an identified community need to provide an alternative for older people who were considering surrendering or euthanizing their pet because they were finding it difficult to look after them.
Volunteers are connected with pet owners who wish to participate in the program and are seeking assistance with practical tasks such as dog walking, changing a litter tray or administering simple medication. Volunteers are trained and police checked. Pets for Life staff support the volunteer and pet owner throughout their participation in the program

Pets for Life aims to:
Reduce social isolation in the community.
Prevent animals from being surrendered or euthanized.
Foster inter generational relationships between local people.
Offer support for pet owners to maintain fulfilling lives while remaining in their own home.
Provide meaningful volunteering experiences.